Design patterns provide typical solutions to commonly recurring problems in software design.This article covers Singleton pattern, Proxy pattern ,Factory pattern ,Provider pattern ,Prototype pattern ,Observer pattern ,Module pattern ,HOC ,Render Props and Hooks Pattern ...
Sumit Kumar
Remix is a React based framework that allows us to render code on server.It does Server Side Rendering but not Static Site Generation and Incremental Static Regeneration .It is well suited for handling dynamic data.This article covers routing, data fetching, nested routes, loaders and actions, Error Boundary ...
Sumit Kumar
Hooks are special functions that are only available while React is rendering. They let us “hook into” different React features.This article includes lazy initialization,useMemo ,useCallback with memo ,useContext ,useLayoutEffect ,useReducer ,useRef ,stale states ,cleanup ,useImperativeHandle...
Sumit Kumar
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