In this post we will understand what triggers a re-render in React, Pure Components in React and when to use React memo, when should we use useCallback , what are Internal props and React with auto-memoizing compiler React Forget ...
Sumit Kumar
The goal of React Fiber is to increase its suitability for areas like animation, layout & gestures. Its headline feature is incremental rendering the ability to split rendering work into chunks and spread it out over multiple frames. We will cover concepts like Fiber Node, Reconciliation, Effects List, Current & WorkInProgress states ...
Sumit Kumar
Jotai gives us a minimalistic API that we can use that separates our state management from our UI. We get the benefits of well managed state and we don't have to set up any boilerplate like defining actions, reducers, dispatchers, or stores.Create an ATOM and we are done!!! ...
Sumit Kumar
Observer API detects changes in our application and notifies if something has changed . In this article we will discuss the four observer API which are Intersection Observer , Mutation Observer , Resize Observer and Performance Observer ...
Sumit Kumar
This article contains everything needed to create a library for JavaScript- set up the GitHub repo, publish a module to npm, add continuous integration, git hooks, add ES6 (ES2015) with Babel, configure Webpack, and distribute the library as a "Universal JavaScript" module ...
Sumit Kumar
JavaScript Hoisting refers to the process whereby the interpreter appears to move the declaration of functions, variables or classes to the top of their scope, prior to execution of the code.TDZ is the term to describe the period between entering scope and being declared where the variables cannot be accessed ...
Sumit Kumar
TypeScript is a language that builds on JavaScript by adding syntax for static types . Here we discuss about type guards , type casting , discriminated unions ,index types ,nullish coalescing , generic functions and classes ,special types , decorators ...
Sumit Kumar
TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving us better tooling at any scale.Have used typescript in multiple projects to a point where I can somewhat say javascript code for large scale applications looks scary without typescript ...
Sumit Kumar
In this article we discuss about microfrontends and take a deep dig into css scoping techniques ,generating className via prod prefix and using browser router and memory router for container and sub apps respectively and communicating route changes via callbacks ...
Sumit Kumar
A sliding puzzle, sliding block puzzle, or sliding tile puzzle is a combination puzzle that challenges a developer and most certainly a player to slide (frequently flat) pieces along certain routes (usually on a board) to establish a certain end-configuration....
Sumit Kumar
React Testing Library provides virtual DOM for tests. Jest on the other hand is a test runner that finds test,run it and determines whether tests pass or fail. This article includes screen query methods, async methods, jest function mocks ...
Sumit Kumar
Everyone must be aware about the term - Everything is Object in javascript . Inheritance as a concept in javascript is totally different than other languages which uses classical inheritance ...
Sumit Kumar
Before understanding what a prototypes in javascript is , let us first discuss about the classical Object Oriented Programming Model with classes and instances created from these classes ...
Sumit Kumar
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